Saturday, September 4, 2010


I take the opportunity of using this public platform to seek apology for a deed i committed in extreme carelessness.

On my behalf, i'd like to defend myself by accepting that i conducted the activity in a rather casual manner, and that i had never the slightest bit of idea that it would ever cause this grave a stir.

I hope the persons involved ARE reading THIS.

I am extremely sorry for the words i wrote on the concerned forum( Facebook). I am, in fact, apologetic in greater measures for the remarks were made by me for a well esteemed faculty member of my college. I know what i did was exceedingly wrong and quite immature to be done by a final year student.

However, the comment i made was absolutely nonchalant and made in a gesture of play. ( And there were many more involved in it). Moreover,  since it was a personal view being expressed on a private page, im only hoping that i be given the benefit of doubt, and that i be let off on grounds of democracy/freedom of speech.

Furthermore, the other remarks made on the page (which incidentally belonged in my name) were not laid down by me, but by a few other students, whose power of speech i cannot control for natural reasons. I therefore hope, that i will not be held guilty for the gestures of third party members.

I am, once again, really regretful that my word(s) potentially hurt the sentiments of the person concerned. Religiously sorry, again.

I hope you ARE reading this.

Thank you. I seek your apologies.

Aishwarya Kandpal.
September 4, 2010

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