Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Another Wasted Me..

When sittin in the class tryin to concentrate on the strict old woman's tightly pursed lips that make rather cute angels as she begins to deliver a lecture,i only end up in desperate attempts of tryin to muffle the sounds of my ever too-frequent yawnings. At moments, my hands involuntarily reach up to the back of my neck, where many a wet locks have gelled together to form a single big curl. Then i push them to one side while the guy next to me futher stiffens uncomfortably in his place.

So drab are my days, and today was no different. So many classes wound up in one go. Stretched on until 2.30 with not even a pee break. I'd even asked someone to get me a Sunfeast. Dont think anybody cared. Bah! Such is life.

I am undergoing another one of those "un-Aishwarian" phases.. when every object of nature, every human soul seems to be plotting against me. I feel sleepy but the bed looks repulsive. I wanna write but cannot frame the right phrases. I wanna share but lack the company. I wanna cry, laugh but emotions fail me each time!

I wanna throw up, but my body cannot afford to.

Hmmm.. How many voodoo dolls would i need to make to kill civilisation?

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