Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Been a hard day's work.. i need to sleep like a log!" and other blah blah.

I have an incomprehensible level of weariness today coupled by an extreme saturation of having stooped over the last 4 hours, on reading 3 varieties of newspapers, straining myself on an ultra crude mattress bed! All this and my mind constantly boggled over whether it should read General Knowledge or figure how the Jacobins established the Reign of Terror or maybe, how successful were Akbar's revenue policies!

However contrarily, i am in incredibly jovial spirits today. Not the kind of happiness that'd make carve lopsided grins and hum romantic tunes( duh!) but the kind when one feels the cozy satisfaction of having lived a productive day. After I’d literally sapped the newspapers of the hullabaloo over Obama's India visit and the successful release of Suu Kyi, i was myself sapped of any reading abilities that i contained. Further still, i got down to doing some bit on the Indian Constitution from my Pearson book. And the following hour saw me trying to mug up our six fundamental rights. Woof! It’s the squeal of amplified delight!

That was it. It is only for a minimal rare chunk of our lives that we care to live successful, honest days. Honestly, there may be a handful of exceptions who'd disagree with me. The way i spent my day today has given me a new spark for tomorrow. The immediate effect is that i want to put my experience down in words for the world to see! I want to be proud of the fact that i did not let another day go waste. Life is precious. Life is a gift and one must seek ways to infuse happiness into it. Let us stop complaining about the lack of time. Let us stop crying over the drain of energy that causes us to put off all our work to tomorrow. It is not time that we lack. It is the will we must gather to make use of that time.

Make use of each moment that comes your way. Spend it in the most wonderful breaths you can, whatever the means available. The end result is that you'll begin loving your life and would even rejoice the feeling of having cramped your neck and shoulder over heaps and heaps of news!

And when you sleep each night, you'll find the most soulful number playing in your head.


  1. Hey .. Nice one.. Keep up the good work...

  2. dunno...hw em here...its 3:01 a.m. !! drunk badly few hours ago... hav lost my best buddy few nites ago..neva wanted..neva luvd...neva slaunted '''''''paining hardly..! saw ur remembered me ov my old tymz...instants of soul...s-silent,o-obedient,u-uniform,l-legal..! i knw after this dark....wen u will gt my sentences..u will delete'em..! but i felt so satisfied here,bck'a my left lung..after reading last 2 para of ur hands...!thnx for to my tears..!! will b gr8ful to u for thiz moment !!

    i wish u wer here....!!


  3. Thank you. I wouldnt delete this. Im happy to have done some good here.:)

  4. Yea.. us shud take a long sleep.It's happy to be home after work. Nice blog anyway, keep it up
